I am an Archmage in Winyandor. I have been playing daily since late August or early September. My fellowship is in the top 75 in my world. Many of my players, myself included, are getting ready to quit the game. You have made it almost impossible to advance, to build, to have enough goods to trade, to research without being at the computer 24 hours a day. I do believe you are "pricing" yourself right out of a game that should be fun, but no longer is. No matter how much you upgrade your troops, the game is always one step ahead of you and battles are practically impossible to win. Quests keep repeating themselves and aren't worth the reward to bother with. Supplies are either harder to get, or you must use them all for a simple upgrade or to unlock something that should not cost anything after all the effort put in to unlock it. You work like crazy to research, only to find that you cannot unlock what you've been working on. My players are becoming discouraged and try as I might to encourage them, I see their point. You have made the game so that it is no longer fun and you almost dread logging in because all you are doing is "spinning your wheels" and getting nowhere. Good job, creators of Elvenar! No wonder we Archmages have so much difficulty keeping our fellowships motivated. We are fighting against a game that no longer wants you to play or can hold your interest. You are killing your own game!