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Your Elvenar Team
Intro: I am in this game primarily for the battles which I manually fight. Lately the same ol' lineup has gotten a bit boring. My gambits are full of strategic retreats, which serve me well against the standard Inno battle algorithm. I conserve troops while winning battles.
The encounters...
In order to help players improve their battle strategy, it would be nice to repeat specific encounters. This could be a change to the existing pop-up, giving players the choice to repeat the encounter. I have often wanted to be able to do this. I would be willing to pay for the privilege. There...
I’m at the start of Chap 8 Orcs & Goblins and have a military question. I can only auto-fight as I play on a tablet. To conserve space and population, besides my barrack, I’d like to have only a Trainning Grounds or Mercenary Camp. Currently when I fight I find that I mostly use units produced...
I really decided early to not do battles. I generally lost...always lost if I used 'automatic', and I don't have patience for the slow cumbersome fights.
Here's the problem, I'm in Fairies and I've increased my provinces to the point where I have to have Orcs to finish a province.
The game...
I have been reading the forums regularly for the last month. In so many places, people are asking, no begging you to make battles more strategically winnable. You put time and effort into something people can't use and enjoy. Why? What is the point of battles that can't be fought? Why...
I happen to be lucky to belong to 2 different fellowships that are helpful in so many ways. I am fairly new to your game. I have some questions that maybe you can answer:
1. Can't win battles, impossible odds. Older members in the game don't fight they negotiate. They tell you not to fight...
1. In looking ahead, I was surprised to not find dragons. Are you going to have dragons? You could have dragon partners to help you fight, build, scout, feed, hatch, grow, dragon duels or battles with other players, the possibilities are endless. First you have to find and get the egg, then...
I am new to this game, and I am hoping the battles get easier. Why is it so hard to win? I've done everything I can for my level, and it's still ridiculously hard. Please tell me this part of the game gets easier.
Anyone wants to write to devs with a letter or a petition?
The new battle system is frustrationg a lot of members.
And the Wholesaler will change in a bad way in few days or weeks...
Dear All, I wrote a letter today that I want to send to developpers in order to they modify the latest updates for battles, to make them less unfair and mostly in order to they do not ruin our enjoyment of playing this game. I plays Arendyll, Wyverness, archmage of Wyvern's diamond.
Here's what...
I've been playing the game for over a year. Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't we strongly urged to get out in the world and conquer provinces? Now we are being punished by the devs for doing what we were told to do. Yep, I've threatened to quit before, and stuck it out. Not for love of...
The new battle mod has made fighting in the tournaments impossible. Once you get past the first level your troops are wiped out, period. I am currently fighting in the gems tournament and I cannot win past level 3 of any of the checkpoints. This was supposed to be a leveling of strength not...
The production spells and the enhanced KP spells are great, but what would be incredible would be to have spells we could use to jam up the AI during battles. Even if you were able to cast them only at the beginning of the battle and/or were limited to even 1, 2, or 3 per battle (inner rings...
I'm pretty sure I posted this before, but can't seem to find it anymore.
Please add a 'fight again' button that is shown after a battle is lost or surrendered and then go back to selecting new troops.
It is so very annoying to have to select one unit to see the layout of the field, then...
After each battle, I find some of my units (at times all) dead or injured to a greater or lesser degree. I use the diamonds option to heal or revive units I have been granted but cannot create yet (like golems) but have not been healing slightly wounded army units when I can produce more of...
Hi all,
I see some results in the tournament which I cannot explain with what I know of the Elvenar battle mechanics.
Scenario: A full enemy squad with 65 Archer II units attacks my squad with 17 Sorceress III units (full squad was 18 units). Result: The enemy hits me for 73 damage with -90%...
Someone suggested, in the "Tournament" thread, that it would be nice to see what neighbors were playing in the tournaments....
Would it be possible to show that on the world map, say, something that is similar to what everyone sees when they open a tournament. Just make the icon a different...
I'd like it if when I hover on an unconquered province, the game would show how many hexes it is away from my city. The map only shows a limited amount of area and while the arrow helps, it's still time-consuming to figure out which provinces are in which ring.
I'd like have the information...
I noticed the beta forum has a great encounters guide, but there doesn't seem to be one in the Unfortunately, since I did not have the beta version I cannot login to that forum to ask questions / contribute thoughts. But I thought I would share the link and also see if anyone has done...