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    Your Elvenar Team


We are an active,friendly, and helpful mixed rank Fellowship seeking a single recruit.

Although we have members of many different Ranks and Chapters, we are currently looking for a someone to be a Trade Partner for our other High Ranked players.

Ideally, we are looking for someone with at least 80K points, and with Boosted Goods in Marble, Crystal, and most importantly, Gems.

With the new Tournament Rules, we are becoming more active in Tournaments as well. We understand that it is expensive for High Rank Players to cater and impossible to Fight in Tournaments, but we would hope for support for the lower Ranked Tournament Players through trades.

If you are such a Player, then please look at the Cities of our four highest Ranked Players and see if they would be good Traders for you.

While currently we are especially looking for a Trading Partner for our High Rank Players, we do recruit active, friendly and helpful players of all Ranks, and will post in this thread when we have another opening.

Thank you in advance