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    Your Elvenar Team

Open Sir Squirrel's Creative Art


this is interesting


Dear Sir Squirrel,

I have seen all the amazing artwork that you've done that are in this thread and was wondering if you could make me a signature if you have the time.

What I was thinking is a Ruby Colored (red) Dragon in a field of flowers, might even be sitting under a tree. Or something like the pose you have... I just love the trees :D
Since our FS is "Peaceful Haven" I thought it would be great if it looked like a peaceful haven so it's quite the opposite of the fear-inspiring dragon with teeth bared and talons extended.

Could you put under it "Ruby, your friendly neighborhood Dragon" ?

Can't wait to see what you come up with! :cool:


Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
@Rubydragon , what about these?


Just write your saying under the signature after you paste it in the signature box. You can also highlight the words and change the colour as well with the paint icon.

Instructions for adding your signature! (click the link below.)
The instructions to add an Avatar to your profile are in the post right under the one for adding the signature.
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