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    Your Elvenar Team

Autumn Zodiac Event Feedback

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Well-Known Member
Why would anyone want 10 bears? I could see a few fire phoenixes. Stonehenge is nice too. Panda isn't worth having and while I like the brownbear I don't have enough food for it. I wouldn't want 2, let alone 10.
Yeah that's part of the irony isn't it? 2 of these buildings are good but they're the least beneficial to have multiples of, of any of the evolving buildings so far. There's some value in more than 1, just less than previous buildings.


@Sheianna For Tier 1 - the level 1 buildings are problematic depending on your race and boosted, if you are a human with marble or an elf with planks or marble you need 2 spaces and a road to lay down a level 1 building, if you have steel or are a human with planks you need 4 spaces - not exactly fair... and many people commented on that as well.
I do believe that they should have had the level requirement more gradual as in chapter -5 etc to foreshadow the full requirement, but give people time to build.

I had to read this several times to figure out what you were trying to say... unfair? Yes, I am aware of these things. I play several cities, I've had every possible T1 boost and, while I only play as human in one city, know of the inherent differences between elves and humans regarding size of planks factories, etc. Yes, some take more space but I'd much rather have steel, which uses more space than marble because steel factories produce more goods per factory than marble (or in elf cities, planks though I'm not sure if planks in human cities are comparable to the same size steel factories in production amounts.) precisely because they do take more space. This is not a problem and I still don't get why you felt you needed to point it out. My arguement is that any player, with any boost, playing either as human or elf, can either choose to build level 1 T1 factories and workshops for Events, or choose not to. It's their choice and not unfair to anyone else. (and I've done so myself with boosts of planks, steel and marble, depending on which city I was in without problems and without having to tear my city apart to do so. I just placed them where I had small, open spaces that weren't really large enough for my upgraded buildings to fit.)

4. There is little doubt that this new event format is going to make events easier and more fun for smaller cities - who in the last few had no chance to finish!
I have always felt that Events should not require you to rip up your city and build itty-bitty little buildings that have no place in your city; it is so nice now to be able to use buildings that are there already!

Wow, just Wow!! ! Are we playing the same event? I have both larger (halfway through Elementals) and smaller (just started chaper 2) cities and it has been a slog for all of them. My small city with planks boost for instance, needed 4 days to complete the "produce 900 planks" quest. Started with 4 factories because it was still a chaper 1 city when the event started. Used up the few MM spells I was able to pick up from neighbor visits almost immediately. Did as many upgrades, plus added 2 more factories as quickly as I could but was limited because of not having enough [pick one or more] population, culture, supplies, goods (since by the time I'd leveled 3 of the 6 up to level 4, I had to wait for a 3 hour production to finish to get the planks I needed for the next ONE upgrade. No way to get help from "fellowship" (assuming I had one) because the trader may allow 0 star trades but you still have to have something to trade. Not like you can trade 0 steel for 4 planks! :rolleyes:
OOPs... yet another edit: somehow I missed the mention that smaller cities couldn't finish the last couple events... Not so. My then smallest city was between either Dwarves and Fairies or Fairies and Orcs and I did better in that city than in my larger ones. Not only got all the upgrades for my Mermaid Paradise but got a second MP and at least one of the evolving things for it.

7. There has been a lot of hoo-hah about the quest changes! I for one am very happy with the changes - I think they are constructive and will improve the game for all of us. They will just take a little time to grow on us.
Generally speaking, the people who run into troubles in this game are those who do not follow the common sense recommendations - and one of those is always keep every building maxed - because it is the best use of space.
The designers expect 'the average player' will design their city this way - and they create events that work with this ‘average city’.

I have been warning people for years - the more you deviate from the 'typical' city set-up, the more likely you will run into problems with game changes! It is perhaps less risky to play conservatively, rather than smarty-pantsing your way through to the end.

The bold is for emphasis. That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I am not the only one to state that not all of us feel that it is the "best use of space". As others have said, I don't feel that upgrading everything immediately is the best use for, let's say: Workshops. Those can change drastically in size requirements as they are leveled up and if what I already have now is producing so much excess that I have to keep going to the blackmarketeer, I mean, Wholesaler to offload my excess that I can't use up training troops and that my Main Hall (which is upgraded) can't hold, I do not consider that a good use of space, especially since I also have to either upgrade (if I have upgrades available) or build more residences to get the population for the upgrades to the workshops or add more culture so I'm not lacking in that area. I'm sorry if my "smarty-pants" attitude bothers you. (Wait! No, actually I'm not...:p)

Here are some suggestions:
  • get people to trade more with place x trades;
  • get people to visit more;
Great suggestions, Love them! (but no cross tier trades, please!)

  • encourage us to do things that we have not discovered yet - particularly the ‘newbies’. Quests like ‘zoom in and zoom out again’; ‘post a message on chat’, ‘post a trade’, ‘use an enchantment’, ‘sell a culture building’, ‘visit x neighbors’.;
OK, though not as good as the other two but still good though you've repeated yourself with the visit neighbors, and we already have at least one quest to use an enchantment (edited to add) but we could use a lot more of them. The "use an enchantment" is right up there with "visit x neighbors" in being a wonderful suggestion that I would love to see implemented! We saw a major upswing in neighbor visits in our Fellowship during the event where the "visit neighbors" quest was included.
  • Receive x Neighborly visits would be a great one too - to encourage those who do not play in Fellowships to at least make the effort to meet their Map neighbors;
NO, just NO!!! A quest shouldn't require someone else to do something for us like visit! Another game I play tried this for one event and the backlash was awful!

  • Why not include Tournament encounters in the quests? Like ‘solve x Tournament encounters’.
    It would create more interest in Tournaments! So why not use the Events to get people involved in Tournaments? Because this to me is what the Event Quests are ideally suited to!
Have you not gotten any of the "complete 5 encounters or 25 tournement encounters" quests yet? They are out there and I've used the tournement encounters for my contribution to my Fellowship while also completing a quest. (which usually promptly repeats itself) (still another edit: This is also one I like since it encourages tourney participationbut would like to see the proportions lowered a bit, say "5 encounters or 20 tournement encounters" so that each regular encounter is comparable to finishing one tournement province; 4 or 16, 5 or 20, 6 or 24. It would be much more fair that way and wouldn't get so out of range of the average player so quickly as the event progresses.)

The Quests could be a wonderful way to educate the newcomers - instead of endless repetition of same-old, same-old; boring and meaningless. That is why I am sad that the second questline was dropped - this is an ideal slot for in-game education.

Totally agree with you on this one. And sorry for chopping up your post so much. That's something I don't normally do and actually hate having done to mine, but it was the easiest way to address your post since I both agree with some things and disagee with others. :)
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Well-Known Member
The bottom line is that this is just not a "fun" format. We play the game for it's "enjoyment" factor and if gets to the point where it no longer provides those emotions then it's time to bail on it. Maybe INNO then gets the idea if players simply just don't do it. I'm not really in this one and most of my Fellows in both of the two words I play in are either not playing it for the end game or are giving it up entirely.


Oh Wise One
Why do I keep seeing people talk about not being able to finish?
It's endless tasks.
There is no finish.

The bottom line is that this is just not a "fun" format. .

When I see you say "bottom line" it seems you are saying all of a sudden Inno did something to annoy the players.
We've all been happily skipping along through the events, tra la la, until we hit this one.

But here's the thing.
I joined just in time for the 2016 Halloween event. I've participated in every event, large and small, since then.
And every one of those events had people coming to this forum to say,
It's too hard, it's too easy, the prizes suck, it's a money grab, I'm quitting because of this, no one in my fs likes it, it's just no fun.

Why would anyone want 10 bears? .

They are a Josie Wales fan


Well-Known Member
'm sure someone will tell me how I am wrong on this, but my instinct tells me that the game is selecting quests according to what we have in terms of resources and items in our inventories. opinions? It's just not random and to call it semi-random is a gross mischaracterization.
Yes I feel like I'm slowly being sucked dry for a reason but can't figure why yet.


Well-Known Member
but my instinct tells me that the game is selecting quests according to what we have in terms of resources and items in our inventories. opinions? It's just not random and to call it semi-random is a gross mischaracterization.

I like your thinking, here, and for what it's worth, you are not alone, by far!

Of course if you do it right - you get the frequent small purchases from many as well as the infrequent large purchases - the best of both worlds.

Inno!?? This is golden! Any thoughts on the matter? Any at all?

We will be sending it as feedback to our Development team, together with many other posts in this thread.

You have given me a glimmer of hope. Thank you!!! (Perhaps Inno is about to step up their "game" and have a CEO, or at least, a DEV, address us??) It hurts, that I have a 100% bonus for Diamond purchase today. It hurts even moreso, that not only do I have the money, but I flat out refuse to "waste" it...for a lack of better way to express it, currently. :(

For whatever it isn't/is? worth...it is my first time NOT doing so, since I first decided to start "investing" money into this game. :( Seriously.....


I am going on a "gut feeling" with this post...so, take it with a grain of salt, or take it to heart...or somewhere in between that spectrum.

Let's dive in, shall we?

What is the point of soooo many scout/tech/vv? I suspect, to "make/force" us to move along with the game.

Why? Well, I have heard "rumors" of not enough players are producing sentient goods for trading, as well as lower chapter level cities being in the "goldilocks" zone of THIS game, etc.

(Which makes me pause & ponder....If sentient goods, are server wide with the Trader....why the fudge then, are not the other goods? Just curious).

Whether because of Tournaments being easier, or Spire...or just EVERYTHING, really! Except the "cough" Event? Is it one? I digress....

What? Stop drinking Zara, you are done!!!! Am I???

Still bored to death with The Event? Still livid about it? Still reading because of it? I shall double my efforts & continue then...

Are there any incentives/positives, to advance in the game??? (Yes, it is "subjective")

I propose the following:

If you want more boosts.....as the game DEMANDS more and more of everything NOW, is it really a "bad" tactical & strategical decision, to "camp out" at lower Chapters/Tech levels?

What benefits does this strategy offer one?

Well, it is a bit easier to manage, in regards to ONLY every aspect of the game!(EXCEPT, THE NEW EVENT, to THWART IT, IMO).

No wonder, to me, why peeps are doing it. (is "peeps" still current in our slang)?

Anywho, delving ever deeper into the rabbit hole, errm, the dark abyss?

This allows one to accomplish what?

1: Less pressure on ONE NEEDS MORE GRID SPACE.
2: One needs less everything, to do anything & everything in this game.
3: One can work on leveling Ancient Wonders, while one "camps"
4: Meanwhile, also stockpile one's relics for one's boosts. Without it driving one nuts.
5: It wont take week(s) to recover one's resources & troops!
6: One doesn't have to over scout! OR, because one is (with Events shoving it down our collective throats, like a BULLET TRAIN) one has to "camp" longer, to compensate for it.
7: One can focus on making one's city as unique as one desires.
8: One is "gimping" one's self on Ranking points, but if one is utilizing this strategy, it is of no consequence, is it?
9: One is in a better position to adapt to anything the Devs throw at them, no matter how much they CHANGE the game!!!! KEY!!!!
10: Reread 1-9, thank you!!!

The flip side of that coin, on why one should NOT do this, and how it at least!, is just as rewarding?

"crickets in the background" here....Sorry, I can't help ya....

Why??? Because ALL that gets left by the wayside to whither, shrieval up & die, basically!

Don't believe me? FAIR! GO jump on Beta Forum, and read about the new Chapter Thread....I'll wait.

Evidently, Inno has a game plan too!

Surprise surprise surprise.....And that, in and of itself, is WONDERFUL!

BUT, not when they seize my city & gameplay & blame me for supporting them & I don't even get "jack" for it.....

No apology, no nothing...

Glad I don't feel like I am being slandered, I might be put out.

Just food for thought.

Why is it like this, for a city building game? Just why?

Why Inno?

Thank you for your time....I know we ALL value it, right?!


That's kind of what I was getting at with my post. My average is far, far above yours and I don't even feel like it's a strain because fighting is so much easier and cheaper than catering is and it allows me far greater tournament rewards (and a greater contribution towards the FS checkpoints). If I wanted to cater instead of fight, there's no way I'd be able to sustain the amount of tournament encounters I complete every week.

And for the record, I'm talking about auto-battling. Elvenar's battle system is far too cumbersome for me to bother fighting manually. Using troops instead of goods for encounters whenever possible is really the way to go when it comes to tournaments.

Agreed. Once I figured out the system for picking troops for best results, I went to autofighting for tourney. Learning how to pick the best fighters for the foes you're facing is the big thing but once you figure it out, it's great. It's even helped me with the (very) occasional foray into the dreaded Spire. (but never fight more than one wave!) I only cater now as a last resort if my Fellowship really needs a few more provinces done to finish a chest. To make this post apply to the Event and back on topic, I would love to see a change in how they calculate how many tourney encounters you should do in place of each regular encounter. This 5 regular or 25 tourney encounter stuff gets out of hand very quickly. It would be better - and much more fair - if each required encounter was equal to 1 tourney province; 4 or 16, 5 or 20, 6 or 24 and so on. The way it's set up now it soon gets far beyond the reach of many players. (9 or 45??? 9 or 36 would be much more reasonable and logical!)
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Deleted User - 3932582

LOL, reduction of workshop quests they say? Here is my last 5 quests:
I clearly posted too soon - my next quest is - tada! - another toolbox quest. I would really like to see the underlying "random" generator...

- Produce Basket of Groceries [9 h] 6 times with a Workshop from your current of previous 3 Chapters
- Produce Basket of Groceries [9 h] 6 times with a Workshop from your current of previous 3 Chapters
- Solve 45 Tournament Encounters or Solve 9 Encounters
- Produce Advanced Tools [3 h] 8 times with a Workshop from your current of previous 3 Chapters
- Produce Toolbox [1 d] 5 times with a Workshop from your current of previous 3 Chapters
- Produce Toolbox [1 d] 5 times with a Workshop from your current of previous 3 Chapters

EDIT: This also means that I was able to use almost nothing from the current tournament for the event. Watch this space for a glut of relics/encounter quests after tournament is over tomorrow.
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Deleted User - 4262106

Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is.

I see your Clint Eastwood quote and raise you my Strother Martin.

"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men."

I would much rather become the play-thing of a Slaaneshii Daemon Prince and his/hers/its court of equally twisted Daemonette mistresses...

I would much rather sit through an interview with Gene Simmons. Or watch Jason Takes Manhattan. They're equally ridiculous.


Oh Wise One
I see your Clint Eastwood quote and raise you my Strother Martin.

"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men."

What is wrong with you?
Paul Newman never swore blood oath with Ten Bears

While we're on the subject

"Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill you"


Well-Known Member
I would really like to see the underlying "random" generator...

LOL. It "derandomizes" the "random" generator :p If I had to venture a guess.

"What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week. Which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it any more than you men."

LOL! Nobody eats 50 hard-boiled eggs! Nobody! And why is everybody always feeding off me!

Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
Don't, like I did, get stressed when you see a level requirement quest. You can still complete quests with a building level requirement if you have a manufactory from your current or previous chapter or a workshop from your current or previous three chapters.

Being in Chapter 8 will allow me to construct a level 5 Workshop (for humans it's 2x2) (for elves it's 3x2). I would need to upgrade my manufactories to level 16. That will hurt since I'm in dire need of land expansions to do this. You know what would help us? If we were given Teleport Spells that we could use to store buildings in our inventories.
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1: Less pressure on ONE NEEDS MORE GRID SPACE.
2: One needs less everything, to do anything & everything in this game.
3: One can work on leveling Ancient Wonders, while one "camps"
4: Meanwhile, also stockpile one's relics for one's boosts. Without it driving one nuts.
5: It wont take week(s) to recover one's resources & troops!
6: One doesn't have to over scout! OR, because one is (with Events shoving it down our collective throats, like a BULLET TRAIN) one has to "camp" longer, to compensate for it.
7: One can focus on making one's city as unique as one desires.
8: One is "gimping" one's self on Ranking points, but if one is utilizing this strategy, it is of no consequence, is it?
9: One is in a better position to adapt to anything the Devs throw at them, no matter how much they CHANGE the game!!!! KEY!!!!
10: Reread 1-9, thank you!!!
...*glances around shiftily* GUILTY. I AM GUILTY OF ALL OF THIS. *throws self on floor and wails* Please don't maim me! I LIKE MY APPENDAGES WHERE THEY ARE.

But, it never really was my intention, to gain all of those perks. It's more of a side-effect. I'm just slow and prefer to advance at a rate my brain can handle. XD


Well-Known Member
...*glances around shiftily* GUILTY. I AM GUILTY OF ALL OF THIS. *throws self on floor and wails* Please don't maim me! I LIKE MY APPENDAGES WHERE THEY ARE.

But, it never really was my intention, to gain all of those perks. It's more of a side-effect. I'm just slow and prefer to advance at a rate my brain can handle. XD

ROFL!!!! And I am guilty of it as well, on it being a side-effect. I too wanted to just take my time and chill with the game :)


I too wanted to just take my time and chill with the game
Amen! I find life stressful enough without adding gaming frustration and pressure to the mix. Ah, I don't like seeing so many people upset. I hope Inno chases down and retrieves the ball they batted out into the stratosphere... and quickly! THIS ISN'T A WAIT UNTIL NEXT TIME SITUATION, INNOGAMES. Alas, I know I'm demanding what will never be granted.
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