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    Your Elvenar Team

Autumn Zodiac Event Feedback

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Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
Oh, for the love of hobbits, I can’t complete anymore quests for 35 hours. I’ve just received 3 in a row of “Scout 1 Province or Research 1 Technology or Gain 15 Vision Vapor” quest. Well at least this will speed me up gaining land expansions, which I solely need because of the building level requirements in quests now.

I’m locked on the tech tree until the Orcs bring back 1000 loot from their raids. Gaining 15 Vision Vapor is out of the question because it’s an extremely high demand, not doing that. So, I’m left with scouting a province. Since I used up all my Booster Spells, my scout will be out ‘n about for 35 hours taking notes of what wild beasties are inhabiting a province. Hope he doesn’t get eaten.

Have game devs forgotten we have a life in the real world? Those of us who don’t have much time to play, found it easier to complete event quests if we could plan them out. You can’t do that with random quests, which I am finding very time consuming. Please get rid of random quests to allow us more time to play in the events. Only Orcs would burden us humans and elves with random quests.
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Black watch

Well-Known Member
Thank you. Soon as I saw that post I wanted to reply to it like that, but honestly just didn't have the energy for it. I think one thing I would've covered that you missed though:

That's ironic because it's one of the complaints about this event: being forced into building things you don't want, it's just the other end of the spectrum.

I thought I covered that one... well anyway, it doesn't matter, this event has sucked the joy out of it... my life is empty now... ;)

Thank you for your detailed feedback and explanations. We will be sending it as feedback to our Development team, together with many other posts in this thread.

First of all, THANK YOU FOR THAT Fairy Dust.
Second, just send them the link to this entire thread... it's full of ideas and information that could be useful to the game... Some idea's are truly gifted.

Yes I feel like I'm slowly being sucked dry for a reason but can't figure why yet.

I riffed on your post... it was that good. And YEAH, I AGREE!
Thanks! :D

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
It is two days later, so time to update my quest selection again:

Quests 30-59

Gain a big amount of coins
Gain 200 spell fragments
Produce 3 toolboxes
Produce 4 advanced tools
Gain 3 enchantment items
Solve 25 tournament encounters or 5 encounters
Produce 4 baskets of groceries
Buy 10 KP
Scout, research or gain 15 VV
Produce a fair amount of marble
Produce 4 baskets of groceries
Gain 7 relics
Buy 10 KP
Recruit a stack of units
Recruit a stack of units
Spend 10 KP
Buy 10 KP
Produce a fair amount of marble
Solve 3 Spire encounters or 3 encounters
Solve 25 tournament encounters or 5 encounters
Produce 4 advanced tools
Buy 10 KP
Spend 10 KP
Produce 3 marble mosaics
Recruit a stack of units
Produce a fair amount of marble
Gain 7 relics
Recruit a stack of units
Scout, research or gain 15 VV
Gain 3 enchantments

Quests 60-89

Produce 3 toolboxes
Gain 9 relics
Gain 9 relics
Gain 4 enchantments
Produce 7 bread
Produce 6 advanced tools
Recruit 2 stacks of units
Recruit 2 stacks of units
Recruit 2 stacks of units
Gain 5 vision vapor or research a tech
Gain 9 relics
Scout, Research or Gain 15 VV
Scout, Research or Gain 15 VV
Produce a fair amount of marble
Gain 9 relics
Complete 35 tournament encounters or 7 encounters
Produce 3 toolboxes
Gain supplies
Complete 35 tourn enc or 7 enc
Complete 35 tourn enc or 7 enc
Produce 6 advanced tools
Recruit 2 stacks of units
Gain 300 spell fragments or Scout a province
Produce 5 marble mosaics
Scout, research, or gain 15 VV
Recruit 2 stacks of units
Recruit 2 stacks of units
Complete 35 tourn enc or 7 enc
Produce 3 toolboxes
Scout, research or gain 15 VV

Quests 90-101

Gain 11 relics
Complete 45 tourn enc or 9 enc
Gain 11 relics
Gain 11 relics
Scout, Research, or Gain 15 VV
Gain 11 relics
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Scout, Research, or Gain 15 VV
Complete 45 tourn enc or 9 enc
Scout, Research, or Gain 15 VV
Gain 400 spell fragments or Scout a province
Complete 5 Spire enc or 5 enc

Quests 102-117

Complete 5 Spire enc or 5 enc
Gain 5 enchantments
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Produce 9 bread
Produce 5 toolboxes
Scout, Research, or Gain 15 VV
Complete 45 tourn enc or 9 enc
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Gain 11 relics
Gain 6 VV or Research
Gain 11 relics
Produce a fair amount of marble
Gain 11 relics
Scout, Research or Gain 15 VV

Completed since last update:

Quests 118-148

Gain 11 relics
Produce 6 Baskets of groceries
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Complete 46 tourn enc or 9 enc
Gain 11 relics
Produce 6 Baskets of groceries
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Produce 8 advanced tools
Produce 8 advanced tools
Scout, Research, or gain 15 VV
Scout, Research, or gain 15 VV
Produce 8 advanced tools
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Complete 45 tourn enc or 9 enc
Scout, Research or gain 15 VV
Collect a big amount of coins
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Produce 9 bread
Complete 45 tourn enc or 9 enc
Gain 11 relics
Gain 6 VV or Research
Produce 5 toolboxes
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Complete 5 Spire enc or 5 enc
Gain 6 VV or Research
Produce 5 toolboxes
Produce a fair amount of marble
Recruit 3 stacks of units
Produce 6 baskets of groceries
Produce 9 bread

Supply production quests definitely showed up more often in these 31 quests than in the previous ones combined, or if not, it feels like it.
Brown Bear produces non-trivial amounts of specialized heavy troops for free, without feeding.
Indeed it does, but I was curious just how much, so I compared it to Vallorian Valor and Grounds of the Orc Strategist.
All values are for chapter 14 buildings and all collections are completely passive requiring zero pet food:

-Vallorian Valor (9 tiles) makes 290 size 6 troops in 18 hours (16.1 troops/hr)
-Grounds of the Orc Strategist (8 tiles) makes 340 size 2 troops in 12 hours (28.3 troops/hr)
-Stage 10 Brown Bear makes 1360 size 6 troops in 48 hours (28.3 troops/hr)
and also makes 3264 size 2 troops in 48 hours (68 troops/hr)

Bottom line is that you would need 1.75 Vallorian Valor and 2.4 Grounds of the Orc Strategist to equal the output of a single maxed out Brown Bear.

1.75 x Vallorian Valor = 15.75 tiles
2.4 x Grounds of the Orc Strategist = 19.2 tiles
Total 34.95 tiles

1 x Brown Bear = 9 tiles

So I, for one, would gladly take 10 of these.


Sheets of Color
Just wait for the FA to come back and still require you all to place mixed tier 1 cities between events. The event structure change will need to affect the rest of Inno's events. Craftsman challenge requiring production , FA badges that require 24-48 hrs that level 24 and higher buildings cannot make.. If all our population is tied up in these leveled Tier1's, are we meant to delete or teleport every change, because the spire of suffering isn't easy enough for all players to do this, for more than one teleport chance a week - that's not even guaranteed as you have a "chance to win"

Anyways, thought you all want to start thinking about the next FA that is coming. This event was over before it started.


...and my tiny city is again stuck for days making planks. At least I now have 5 level 5 plank factories and one (all I had the goods to upgrade) level 6 so it will only take roughly 2 and a half days rather than 4 days to complete this time. (if I can remember to make it back every 3 hours to pick up planks and reset my factories):( No, it is definitely not easy for small cities! (though at least for the troop training, I only need 15 per stack!;))

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
...and my tiny city is again stuck for days making planks. At least I now have 5 level 5 plank factories and one (all I had the goods to upgrade) level 6 so it will only take roughly 2 and a half days rather than 4 days to complete this time. (if I can remember to make it back every 3 hours to pick up planks and reset my factories):( No, it is definitely not easy for small cities! (though at least for the troop training, I only need 15 per stack!;))

If you have any event buildings that give planks, those count for the Produce X amount quests. And do not forget your Magical Manufacturing enchantments, if you have any, or can make them in that city. Even one put on your level 6 would save some time.


@Jackluyt, FYI the Suggesting of Upgrading to Max Level is 100% ABSOLUTELY NOT correct. If you are a free player you should generally NEVER fully upgrade your Manufactures ESPECIALLY. They are less efficient when you take into account population and culture if you use normal non-magic buildings. The efficiencies of max level buildings seem to be set-up around those who use Magic Residences and Magic Culture. There is even a calculator made by someone else that clearly shows that maxed Manufactures are less efficient spacewise for a given production. Of course, as your culture and population density rise it through the chapers, it makes sense to upgrade but to stay quite a bit behind max levels.

For example, from the efficiency calculator for an Elve in Chapter 9 Woodelves, the MOST EFFICIENT Marble is Level 15 NOT the available Level 23!!!!!
Likewise for that player the MOST efficient Elixir is Level 13 NOT Level 23.

This is also proven true in the real world in my cities for both Elves and Humans. If you are a big $$$$ spender on Magic Residences and Magic Culture your way might be best.

Comments and Suggestions from EPL
Feel free to submit comments and suggestions here https://tinyurl.com/y5o2e9fx!

7. There has been a lot of hoo-hah about the quest changes! I for one am very happy with the changes - I think they are constructive and will improve the game for all of us. They will just take a little time to grow on us.
Generally speaking, the people who run into troubles in this game are those who do not follow the common sense recommendations - and one of those is always keep every building maxed - because it is the best use of space.
The designers expect 'the average player' will design their city this way - and they create events that work with this ‘average city’.


If you are free player, there is somewhat of an efficiency penalty upgrading upgrading to the top 6-8 levels available when you take into account population and culture density that why many players like me never upgrade to max level. If you have Magic everything you are likely fine.

But they never did require you to rip apart your city. That is nothing more than a player feeling that they needed to do that due to trying to use a particular strategy. I never once in the 3 years that I've been playing ever felt the need to tear down my city to place lvl 1 buildings. If I happened to have the room for a shantytown I built one. If I didn't I just pre-planned the best I could with what I had. The biggest issue with requiring certain level buildings for some players (I am not one of these players btw as I level everything to max each chapter) is that they prefer to play with smaller size buildings due to their particular play style. I was always under the impression that there wasn't a right or wrong way to build your city. You built it how it works for you. At some point Inno supported this because they even had on their loading screen a tip that stated "If your prefered building type is small, build many of them." The forcing for required levels based on chapters for events completely alienates / now eliminates particular play styles. It tells us that there really is only a few ways to really play the game. There are other play styles that were also affected by this. One of the members of my FS uses pop, supplies, and goods from event buildings and AW's to limit the number of residences, workshops, and manu's to the bare minimum he needs with the ultimate goal of not needing any of those building types. He's built his entire city around that strategy and concept. He's almost in Elementals. He has had to completely rethink years of planning and strategy just to be able to participate in this event and most likely future events.

The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
@Jackluyt, FYI the Suggesting of Upgrading to Max Level is 100% ABSOLUTELY NOT correct. If you are a free player you should generally NEVER fully upgrade your Manufactures ESPECIALLY. They are less efficient when you take into account population and culture if you use normal non-magic buildings. The efficiencies of max level buildings seem to be set-up around those who use Magic Residences and Magic Culture. There is even a calculator made by someone else that clearly shows that maxed Manufactures are less efficient spacewise for a given production. Of course, as your culture and population density rise it through the chapers, it makes sense to upgrade but to stay quite a bit behind max levels.

For example, from the efficiency calculator for an Elve in Chapter 9 Woodelves, the MOST EFFICIENT Marble is Level 15 NOT the available Level 23!!!!!
Likewise for that player the MOST efficient Elixir is Level 13 NOT Level 23.

This is also proven true in the real world in my cities for both Elves and Humans. If you are a big $$$$ spender on Magic Residences and Magic Culture your way might be best.
This problem can be alleviated *IF* the devs would pull their collective heads outa their backsides and just give the same rules to factories as exist for workshops. (ie: current chapter OR up to -3 chapters.)

At least that way, the vast majority of the non-diamond whales w/out 100% 'blue cities' can still participate, since we could keep our stuff at more playable levels.
(ie: allow a Fairies or O&G player to use either Ch.4 'Superior' OR Ch.6 'Dwarven' level factores, while a Ch.9 - 11 player could still make use of the Lv.16-18 Dwarven factories)

Mind you, they couldn't even code the current rules properly, since while the workshops will properly 'skip' a chapter that does not have an available research, they screwed everything up for the factories so that once you hit Ch.6, you effectively MUST always keep your gak fully leveled.
ie: Fairy & Orc chapter players *should* by the rules as written be allowed to use Lv.16-18 (dwarf = 'current') OR Lv.10-15 (Ch.4 'superior' as there is no research for T1's in either Ch's 7 or 8!!)
Likewise, a WE through Halflings players would be allowed to use either the Dwarven or the latest WE's level upgrade.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
If I have a stage 4 polar bear in the Elementals chapter, I should be getting Seeds, right?

No, it has to be Stage 6 to produce seeds. Do not go by the chart on elvengems because it is all messed up for the polar bear. Instead, you can see all the correct info in-game on the bear itself. Click on the bear, click on the evolve tab and then scroll through the 10 evolutions to see what each one gives you.


Have you done 90 quests or more (e.g. how many Simple Tools did it require)? Just clarifying, because that's a different quest segment. I have seen a single Simple Tools quest before in 30-59 segment (so asking for 6), but none since then.

I just got one in my smaller city ... "produce simple tools 12 times". Sitting at 5121 keys and none spent ... no idea what quest number that makes it.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I just got one in my smaller city ... "produce simple tools 12 times". Sitting at 5121 keys and none spent ... no idea what quest number that makes it.

You do not get that quest til you are up to at least quest 90, so you are into the final batch of quests with the highest required amounts for everything. So expect things like 5 toolboxes, 11 relics, 45 or 9 encounters.
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