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    Your Elvenar Team

Eldrasil's Ascending

Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
One other thing that interested me during this event:

During the "Place 1 trade" daily quest, I had twice as many pages of trades than I usually do and I saw names listed that I had never seen on the trader before.

During the "Accept 1 trade" daily quest, my trader was practically empty and some in my fellowship had to request trades through chat because their trader was empty.

It seems to me that these quests are VERY effective and should be incorporated into the sequential quest list for future events.
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The Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Glad to see that the Mother Dragon is making a comeback!
I missed out on that one during the last event, simply because I couldn't accumulate nearly enough beets thanks to how stupidly impossible so many of the quests were, coupled with the building coming up just 8 days in.


I began playing in Feb. so after the last winter event but have been around for a few of them and I have a question for those who have finished the last quest, #91, in this one.

In some previous events, when you finished the last quest, the quest-line was over, poof, done, gone. This one offers 90 hazelnuts as a reward for finishing the last one, #91. Does the game icon stick around after that last quest, so you can spend them? If so, then when does it go away? At the end of the countdown timer for the quest-line?


Ok, cool, thanks. Now another question. If I finish the last quest of the story line, #91, do the Eldrasil daily quests continue?

I'm trying to figure out if I should go ahead and finish the story line quests or leave it running so I can do the dailies.


Risen Malchiah

Well-Known Member
You'll still get the daily quests. Go ahead and finish. Congrats for making it to the end. :)

Be sure to spend all your nuts by the last day. You lose anything you don't spend.

Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
Much-Needed Event Buildings
I love these event buildings that come with loads of population. Found another Igloo Festival in my inventory and will be adding it to my city because it adds 690 citizens. If I can, I’ll try to squeeze in the Hazelnut Stubs giving me 320 more citizens. A total of 1010 citizens I’ll receive to help me upgrade buildings requiring an outrageous amount of population. Yay!!

Since we’re lacking land to upgrade our residences which used to fit a 2x2 space but increase to a 3x5 space, we could use more event buildings that give us additional citizens but can still fit in a 5x5 land expansion.

I applaud the artists' creations in this event. Very unique and beautiful. Thank you. My one complaint is the questline is toooooooooooo long. The Elvenar players who enjoy long events will love it but sitting at a computer for hours wreaks havoc on my joints. Well time to run out and play in the real world. As we elves say, Have a tree mendously fun day..


I like the buildings that give culture in combo with pop, coin or supplies - heck even small culture is good - I'm disappointed by the lack of buildings being offered - the instants are OK, I'm not a huge fan, but that's all I seem to win - I'm very frustrated with this event, it seemed easier to get things in past events - I hope the devs bring back more buildings in the future. I rate this one 'meh'.


Mathematician par Excellence
I like the buildings that give culture in combo with pop, coin or supplies - heck even small culture is good - I'm disappointed by the lack of buildings being offered - the instants are OK, I'm not a huge fan, but that's all I seem to win - I'm very frustrated with this event, it seemed easier to get things in past events - I hope the devs bring back more buildings in the future. I rate this one 'meh'.
I'm curious, do you spend your nuts as you get them, or are you looking at the prize lists on the fan sites and saving up for the "good" prizes?


I'm curious, do you spend your nuts as you get them, or are you looking at the prize lists on the fan sites and saving up for the "good" prizes?
I save up - not always looking at the fan sites but if I don't like the daily offering I wait until I see one I do like - I'm done now - will wait until the end and just throw nuts until I'm empty. In one of my cities I have won nothing but instants - and OF COURSE that's the city I really needed/wanted the culture/pop prizes in .....


@GenealogyGeek It's not great that we have to rely on fansites, but keep in mind for next event that if you complete all quests you will only win about ~10 prizes, so if you really want something specific, you should save all your resources for that day.
Thanks, yeah that's what I do - I've been playing this game for quite some time (summer 2016, I think) maybe I'm just bored of these long events .... and a little bored of the game. :)


When Elvenar first began these events, if you finished every quest, you had enough resources to obtain the three major prizes...which seems fair to me. However, in this case, finishing all the events only gives you enough resources to get two of the major prizes. Apparently, you would have to purchase nuts to get the third prize which I don't think follows the spirit of the event. If you finish all the quests then you should be able to get all the 3 main prizes without having to spend money. I finished all the events, have been picking up the fallen nuts and there is no way that I am going to have enough to get the third prize.


When Elvenar first began these events, if you finished every quest, you had enough resources to obtain the three major prizes...which seems fair to me. However, in this case, finishing all the events only gives you enough resources to get two of the major prizes. Apparently, you would have to purchase nuts to get the third prize which I don't think follows the spirit of the event. If you finish all the quests then you should be able to get all the 3 main prizes without having to spend money. I finished all the events, have been picking up the fallen nuts and there is no way that I am going to have enough to get the third prize.

somewhere in this thread I remember reading someone say that they had Gotten all three Grand Prizes, but to do it they spent the bulk of the collected nuts on double sprout days.
While I have gotten the first Grand Prize, I in all probability will not get the other two as I average around an hour a day playing the game (more if I have a day off).

Added; I will note that even though it showed Double sprouts on some days when I spent them, I do not believe it gave me double sprouts.