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    Your Elvenar Team

How is this not "pushing"?

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There a city by me that fits that criteria and I can't say who it is without getting into trouble myself...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::confused::eek:


I wonder who could possibly be doing it? Maybe that person that said they would and then were told not to and said they would do it anyway.... maybe. :rolleyes:

If they're using a bot or script, that's a huge breach of the TOS and used for this purpose can result in legal action. ;)


Mathematician par Excellence
See this on Platinum Leaf Facebook page ..
It's a BIG warning...

This is what gets me:
2. Contacting people and threatening them in this way is both Spam and Harassment - Jack

No. No it is not. By what giant leap of the imagination is a single message to a cheater either spam or harassment?

"Hey there, I couldn't help but notice you are cheating. Please stop, if you don't, I'll report you."

"Aaaaah I'm being harassed! My right to cheat is being violated!"

If they're using a bot or script, that's a huge breach of the TOS and used for this purpose can result in legal action.
This is a bit of a stretch as well. Say they caught the person using whatever method they are using to gather this info. So what? Even if they got his real name, address and social security number, what could they do? File a cease and desist? Sue for ____? What damages have been incurred?
Other than ban you and your IP, a company in another country(I'm guessing) can't do a whole lot to someone for violating a EULA if there is no loss. It would be hella impressive if they were able to prove that they lost revenue from this kind of action.


@SoggyShorts Did you miss this?

Since I received this message myself today from Alt Man, I thought I'd make a comment here. Most of the alts he accused me of having in his mail are FS members who have donated to my AWs through KP chain because we are tech locked. Also our FS has opened the 10th chest every week since the end of July and we do a 75 kp exchange at the end of tourneys.

Do I have any alts or family members playing in the same world I do? Yes I do. They are in a different FS and surprise that FS also opens 10 chests a week. They participate in tourneys and FS adventures. They trade in their FS, make visits and when tech locked they donate to my AWs. Interestingly enough when I first start to play there were only 3 or 4 chapters and AWs hadn't been added yet or there was only 2 of them. I honestly don't remember because it was a lifetime ago.

Anyway in the 2 worlds I've played in and with the players I know, most have multiple alts. It seems this is the same kind of resentment that non-diamond using players have for those that do. As long as it's allowed and I'll continue to play the alts I have.

No player has the right to threaten another player either on the open forum or in private messages. Period. And I didn't necessarily mean the company pursuing legal action.


Where does it say you have a right to cheat... I want to see that one Soggy...


Mathematician par Excellence
No player has the right to threaten another player either on the open forum or in private messages. Period.
I disagree. Here is an example:
"Azkaban, if you post porn pics on the forums, I'm going to report you to inno"
That is just as much a "threat" as the email that was sent. It is also totally allowed, even expected.

Threatening someone with harm is totally different than warning someone that you will turn them in for rule violation, and we should not conflate the two.


I disagree. Here is an example:
"Azkaban, if you post porn pics on the forums, I'm going to report you to inno"
That is just as much a "threat" as the email that was sent. It is also totally allowed, even expected.

Threatening someone with harm is totally different than warning someone that you will turn them in for rule violation, and we should not conflate the two.

It's not the same! How can you even equate the two?!? (I'm laughing here, but really.) You don't "warn" someone that you're going to report them, because that is an accusation and you may be wrong. You report them and let the powers that be handle it.

And I am done with this thread (not that anyone cares, LOL). I've already wasted too much time on it. Good luck to you Soggy, I hope INNO does everything you're all asking it to.


Mathematician par Excellence
I dunno... I've seen people break rules in many situations, and rather than narc on them, I've asked them to stop doing whatever it was first (if I cared, which admittedly is super rare)


Active Member
Being able to rotate buildings would require them to program more, something they obviously have challenges with. As to the pushing, we told a member of our fellowship to stop pushing, or leave. He left, oh well NP.

Alas, but INNO only cares about the bottom line. What is best for you, me, or the game is irrelevant. This can only change when they get hurt financially, even then they may choose to fold the game instead of working to change it. [MERGED BY XELENIA]
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Serial replies should be combined, what your doing is frowned on.

Just for your information. More or less your talking to yourself by doing multi messages in a row..


Alas, but INNO only cares about the bottom line. What is best for you, me, or the game is irrelevant.
Strike them down, with all your hate, and your journey to the Dark Side will be Complete.


ok i have read as many of these posts as i can handle, 13 pages is a lot! please forgive me if my 2 cents ignores something already said.
Ok...Forge of Empires has a nearly-foolproof method of preventing someone from "pushing" their own Great Buildings with alts.


If the FOE Team can do that, I imagine the Elvenar team can do it here. Yes, it means that members of the same household can not donate to each other, but if it helps to curtail pushing here, it might be worth considering.
This is great in theory, two things though; first off, several members of my FS share a household (definitely different folks) and this would mess up our kp chains quite a bit; secondly, i play FoE and my wife did also for a while, never got this error message and no, we weren't playing from our phones. Not sure how you got it, but our time in FoE was not "back in the day" I only started in march and she started 2 weeks earlier than me (possibly also in march).

That being said, while I know full well how easy it is to mask/alter your IP, I think this is a good first step. I spend diamonds and am also competitive, when 17 of the top 25 players in the tourney are the same player racking up kp to feed their main... i have an issue with that. while they could still do this, it could be enough of a hassle that maybe they would cut down to 15, or maybe even 10.;)


Mathematician par Excellence
. I spend diamonds and am also competitive, when 17 of the top 25 players in the tourney are the same player racking up kp to feed their main... i have an issue with that.
And this is the heart of the issue. Thank you @ALdbeign for being a diamond supporter of this game(and therefore free players like myself), and I hope players like you get a more level playing field in the future.

I also play this game with my wife, and I would have zero issues with Inno stopping us from donating KP to each other. I mean really, we both have wonders, and donating to your own wonder isn't all that different from doing a swap. Yeah that shot at a rune is nice, but I think it's a very small sacrifice to make so that the big legit players like you can enjoy a fair game.
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