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    Your Elvenar Team



    We would like you to join one of the most prolific, fun, and entertaining fellowships in the game. Zestlandia! In Zestlandia, we participate in every weekly tournament (10 + chests) and spire (silver) as well a place highly in all Fellowship Adventures. We do all of this in an environment of...
  2. Replacing 3 inactive players, any level

    Hello, are you happy where you are, do you want to do more, get more help in neighborly visits, win more chest in tournaments and climb higher in the spire? We are looking for active players now that enjoy playing the game. We currently have 4 players that have gone inactive so have openings...
  3. Gkyr

    Wave upon wave of opponents

    Intro: I am in this game primarily for the battles which I manually fight. Lately the same ol' lineup has gotten a bit boring. My gambits are full of strategic retreats, which serve me well against the standard Inno battle algorithm. I conserve troops while winning battles. The encounters...
  4. LyndaKayY

    Harmonic♥Oasis is Looking for Tournament Lovers with strong sense of Teamwork

    Harmonic ♥ Oasis We are looking for Active Tournament Lovers with a strong sense of Teamwork. Boosts: Marble/Silk/Gems preferred All boosts will be considered. We have been getting 10 chests for the last 15 weeks in a row. We go for a “Push Week” every other week but our team is so...
  5. LyndaKayY

    Harmonic Oasis Recruiting Spire & Tournament Lovers

    Harmonic Oasis is a great Team oriented Fellowship. Would you like to win 10+ chests every week? Would you like to play with the best? We might just be the Fellowship for you. We are looking for Friendly Active Tournament & Spire Lovers. We have a great group of friendly people who work...
  6. Cayesavegan

    Anyone want to merge?

    Got a few players left in a dying guild? Merge with us! We could really use some players with marble, planks, silk, and gems. We are currently scoring at least 5 chests on the tournament but with some help we can get more. We take lower level players too but we could really use some established...
  7. Knights of the Nine (Looking for 1 player)

    you can check our fellowship stats here: http://www.elvenstats.com/fellowship/us2/11589 Just like many fellowships, we have quite a bit of turnover, but we do have a strong core of friends who make up the leadership. As a fellowship, we are prioritizing tournament players over anything else...

    I am a new member. I love this game! One of the biggest struggles I have had is with battles. I have read and seen the number of complaints about inability to win a battle. I have complained about it myself. Now, I read how you made tournaments better, 4 instead of 8 (great idea) and a...
  9. Problems for all newcomers creating cities.

    I happen to be lucky to belong to 2 different fellowships that are helpful in so many ways. I am fairly new to your game. I have some questions that maybe you can answer: 1. Can't win battles, impossible odds. Older members in the game don't fight they negotiate. They tell you not to fight...
  10. New Tournament Style

    So in beta world there is a new style of tournament, where you only have 4 instead of 8 within each , which means the rewards to complete each are much lower. you can now get rune shards and spells but they have greatly reduced the amount of kp and relics you receive. I do the tournaments for...
  11. Current Steel Tournament

    I may be going crazy but was not the last tournament Gems and the next should have been Marble, as all past tournaments have gone in order? Is this a mistake or an unannounced change or am I having a dementia event?
  12. Countdown Timer for Tournaments in Pop-up Screen

    When I click on the Tent icon in the World Map it displays the number of Checkpoints I have open along with my level, the number of solved & unsolved encounters, and then the ship's wheel icon. I would like to see how much time is left before a province is ready. I am aware that I can see this...
  13. Cancel a tournament?

    Can I cancel a tournament? I am a newbie to this game and I really don't think I'm ready for a tournament.
  14. [11489] Tournament Participating Neighbors not shown

    When you look at the Province checkpoints no participating neighbors are shown when the score shows there must be one, The numbers don't match 154 and 118. See jpeg: Winyandor, scrolls tournament, second day, Windows 10, Firefox, always repeatable
  15. [9958] Trapped in a Tournament battle

    For more than 2 hours now I've been trapped in a battle screen from the tournament. Every time I strike the final blow to dispatch the final enemy, the game errors out and resets - Flash Player cache has been cleaned, computer rebooted - problem is on Inno's end, but support has been...
  16. Tournaments and inactive neighbors

    Is anyone else disappointed in the dependence on nonexistent neighbors in the tournaments? As usual, Inno seems to have made the incorrect assumption that we have active neighbors. I have only one tournament province open where there are three of us fighting. Mostly it's either me and one other...
  17. Question on tournament battle damage calculation

    Hi all, I see some results in the tournament which I cannot explain with what I know of the Elvenar battle mechanics. Scenario: A full enemy squad with 65 Archer II units attacks my squad with 17 Sorceress III units (full squad was 18 units). Result: The enemy hits me for 73 damage with -90%...
  18. Tournaments

    From the international forum: Dear Elves and Humans, In the last InnoGames TV Episode Timon and Oliver granted you a sneak peek into our next big feature: Tournaments. Today we would like to inform you that we have already started the open beta phase for that feature on our Beta world. After...