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    Your Elvenar Team

Updating and changing your town...


There is an option you may not have considered when adding or deleting buildings to each town. Why not put a storage button next to the sell and move button so we can store our cultural buildings we worked hard for as well as our workshops and dwellings. you require us to have a certain building, but we have no room for it. we could store buildings away for later use instead of regretfully selling them to make room for others. Its something I saw in another game similar to this one. The building does not work or function while in storage, and of course you would still lose the culture from your town from removing it, but you can gain it back later when you expand and make room. Food for thought!


think there should be a big sign on top of the forums " Search Before You Post", the number of duplicate threads on so many different topics is starting to get ridiculous. This topic though has got to be the leader if not a very close second.

I'm surprised there isn't a notice about it. Most forums have that at the very top of any suggestions board. You'd think it would be common sense and that people wouldn't need to be told =X Lol.
Yeah, it's the most repeated request that I've seen so far.




There's a "search" button. You can literally type "storage" and see multiple threads for building storage when reorganizing a city lol

Grins. I know. And how many players who actually manage to get to the forum take the time to do so do you think?
Only a very, very, very small percentage of the players get to the forum. And of those quite some get there only because they encounter a problem they want some help with. I think Im one of the very few forumgoing players who actually browsed the archives.


I am wondering if I sell a building to make room for a new building have I lost it, can I rebuild it - specifically I am seeking to sell my Halloween Buildings to make room for a building that will give me much needed population - any help would be appreciated!!! I TOO LOVE THE IDEA OF A STORAGE AREA so we can redecorate!


um, it is just a cultural building so....i don't believe i invested anything ...other than time in the event to collect it :() which was a lot LOL


Oh Wise One
Correct. In the case of the Tent, you won't get anything back and it will be gone. I was being more general in my response, as selling any building gives the same result.


I think that this would put a really heavy burden on InnoGames servers. What I've done is build a Spreadsheet Layout of my town and then I can see where everything is and make changes on the spreadsheet layout first before starting to move things around in my actual town. If I sell a building it's only because I don't need it any longer or I need space to build something better.


I have just over 1000 of them stashed in my basement, now where did I put my dang basement.....:oops: