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I know the building storage issue has been a question brought up by generations of new players - but the fact that it keeps coming up points to a feature that many players would like to see - and a larger issue, who should determine the design of the game - the developers or the players? Again - just the fact that the game developers don't want to do it doesn't make them right. We're the game consumers. Without us, they have no income. If enough of us want them to change something in the game - they should make the changes.


Oh Wise One
Building storage is already built in to the game, and is quite easy to enable for your city. To turn on the extra storage option, when you activate "City Expansion 1" don't put anything in it. To turn on the double-storage feature, when you activate "City Expansion 2" don't put anything in that, either. :p
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Mathematician par Excellence
If enough of us want them to change something in the game - they should make the changes.
Firstly, how do you determine "enough"? I and many others agree with the developers that making the game easier can cause players to lose interest.
Right now there is a vote on allowing players to swap buildings while moving, and it has less than 60% support.
The customer is not always right, often they only see things from one side.
Take the thread where people were complaining that they have to research tech they don't want. It sounds super simple, if you don't want a tech like squad size upgrade or a non-boosted good, you should be allowed to skip it. The consequences of that however could be devastating to the game, since players would be done the final chapter instead of being months away.


I appreciate your point of view - I just feel that, at present, the balance is overly weighted toward the game developers, who - if I'm to believe many of the posts I've read in the past month from experienced players - don't appear to value player feedback in making game changes. Most other industries conduct ongoing customer focus-groups and surveys to make their products more customer responsive. I'm not suggesting making the game easier - just more engaging. After all - if the auto industry never listened to customers - you'd never have gotten cup holders...:)!


Oh Wise One
I just feel that, at present, the balance is overly weighted toward the game developers
The game developers don't win by beating the players, they win by convincing the players to give them money. The balance can never be weighted toward the developers.

The focus of players is making the game easier, the focus of the developers is making the game hard enough that people want to buy diamonds to get ahead.

I'm not saying they'll never provide temp storage, but as long as desperate players buy land expansions so they don't have to sell a building or wait for their next expansion, they have little incentive to listen to requests.


Yeah I posted something similar here and twice to their Facebook page. At the very very least it would be nice to store irreplaceable buildings like the event rewards. Like that Wonky Walter's, I'd like to store that. It's super ugly and I have more than enough culture to hit 170% without it, but I earned it so I'd rather not delete it. I'd like to be able to put it away and then drag it out again when I'm low on culture or feeling particularly Wonky.


My Wonky Walter's went in the bin. The primary rule of de-cluttering is it must be used regularly or bring you pleasure. That tent brough me no pleasure, and has been replaced by Snowy Charming Trees, which do both of the above.

Hehe. Yeah I can appreciate that perspective. :) I just find difficulty parting with things when they are irreplaceable and I earned them, especially if I'm not 100% positive that I might not want to use it, at some point, in future. lol That doesn't mean I want to stare at an ugly, orange-striped, totally unfitting tent everyday until I stop playing, or pumpkins or snow for that matter. I like having options. I really enjoy having seasonally appropriate decorations. I supremely dislike not being able to decorate my city so that it's aesthetically pleasing to me because I'm forced to keep everything placed or delete presently undesired buildings forever. So, for my preferred play style, I'd like a storage bin. ;)


Building storage is already built in to the game, and is quite easy to enable for your city. To turn on the extra storage option, when you activate "City Expansion 1" don't put anything in it. To turn on the double-storage feature, when you activate "City Expansion 2" don't put anything in that, either. :p

Next you're going to tell me if I want to rotate the buildings I should upgrade them!!!
I can't handle it man.


Oh Wise One
Realistically, if they did offer storage, within weeks the threads would change to "We need more storage."

I think they should switch their official response to "You may purchase one "extra storage unit" for 10,500 diamonds (the exact same diamond cost as the last premium expansion) The storage is permanent, and takes up one expansion block on your city map which you must select when placing your storage. It may not be moved, but may also be used as an extra city expansion at any time."


@Ashrem If we're actually doing this again then I would say a 10x10 area separate from the map that cost 1,000 diamonds a square to unlock and anything placed in it does not register as existing until placed back on the main map. But holy ridiculous repetition batman, we can't be actually doing this again.


Oh Wise One
My theory is if Inno sells them something they can already get but is more expensive and less flexible, then people can stop asking for storage, and just have more posts in the threads about how greedy Inno is, which is a net benefit for the rest of us.
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I don't want storage per se... but I would love some feature that somehow helped you when advancing and trying to move things around to plan/fit in new building sizes. Even something like a phantom expansion where you could put items for like a maximum of 1 hour or they disappeared. I hate having to sell things to move things around and then have to rebuild the item(s) I sold. So no I do not want a permanent storage, but something to make upgrading and moving stuff around a tad simpler.